- indifference
- сущ.1) общ. безразличие, равнодушиеSee:2) эк. безразличие (состояние, при котором для лица, осуществляющего выбор, различные варианты выбора одинаково предпочтительны)See:
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
indifférence — [ ɛ̃diferɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1487; h. 1377; lat. indifferentia I ♦ État d une personne qui est indifférente. 1 ♦ État d une personne qui n éprouve ni douleur, ni plaisir, ni crainte, ni désir. ⇒ apathie, ataraxie, désintéressement, détachement,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Indifference — may refer to: *apathy, the lack of emotion, motivation, or enthusiasm; a psychological term for a state of indifference . * Indifference a song in the Valse Musette style. Written by Joseph Colombo and Tony Murena. Recorded by (amongst others):… … Wikipedia
indifference — Indifference. s. f. Estat d une personne indifferente. Estre dans l indifference. voilà une grande indifference. j ay de l indifference, une extrême indifference pour cela … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Indifference — In*dif fer*ence, n. [L. indifferentia similarity, lack of difference: cf. F. indiff[ e]rence.] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being indifferent, or not making a difference; lack of sufficient importance to constitute a difference;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Indifference — «Indifference» Canción de Pearl Jam Álbum Vs Publicación 1993 Grabación 1993 … Wikipedia Español
indifference — I noun aloofness, apathy, blankness, coldness, coolness, detachment, disinterestedness, disregard, impassiveness, imperturbability, inattention, inconsideration, insouciance, laxity, lukewarmness, neglect, negligence, nonchalance, nonobservance,… … Law dictionary
indifference — (n.) mid 15c., from L. indifferentia want of difference, similarity, noun of quality from indifferentem (see INDIFFERENT (Cf. indifferent)) … Etymology dictionary
indifference — [n] absence of feeling, interest alienation, aloofness, apathy, callousness, carelessness, cold bloodedness, coldness, cold shoulder*, coolness, detachment, disdain, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispassion, disregard, equity, heedlessness,… … New thesaurus
indifference — [in dif′ər əns, indif′rəns] n. [Fr < L indifferentia] the quality, state, or fact of being indifferent; specif., a) lack of concern, interest, or feeling; apathy b) lack of importance, meaning, or worth: Also Archaic indifferency … English World dictionary
indifférence — (in di fé ran s ) s. f. 1° L état d une personne indifférente. • Cette indifférence que je sens lorsque je ne suis point emporté vers un côté plutôt que vers un autre par le poids d aucune raison, est le plus bas degré de la liberté, DESC.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
indifference — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, supreme (esp. BrE), total, utter ▪ growing ▪ deliberate, studied ▪ … Collocations dictionary